Jan. 28, 2022

3.8 - Stephen Webber - Clinical Negligence and the perils of a no-fault compensation system.

3.8 - Stephen Webber - Clinical Negligence and the perils of a no-fault compensation system.

We go slightly left of field when we talk to award winning clinical negligence lawyer Stephen Webber. Stephen has been involved in many medicines related cases and talks to us about the Law of Tort and how healthcare professionals can better manage risk.

We go slightly left of field in this week's episode when we talk to award winning clinical negligence lawyer Stephen Webber.

Stephen has been involved in many medicines related cases and talks to us about the Law of Tort and how healthcare professionals can better manage risk. We chat about recent proposals to replace the negligence system with one of ‘no-fault’ and why it might not be such a good idea. We find out what doctors talk about on the side of the rugby pitch when there is a lawyer around.

Our micro-discussion stays with the legal theme and focuses on Regulation 28 Coroner reports and how they could be better used to improve safety. In particular we focus on the recent paper Tramadol: Repeated prescriptions, repeated warnings, https://ebm.bmj.com/content/26/6/e17.

As with all our guests we ask Stephen to pick his ‘Desert Island Drug’, a career defining anthem and a book that has influenced his work. The choices do not disappoint.

To get in touch follow us on Twitter @auralapothecary or email us at auralapothecarypod@gmail.com

You can listen to the Aural Apothecary playlist here; https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3OsWj4w8sxsvuwR9zMXgn5?si=tiHXrQI7QsGtSQwPyz1KBg

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