May 5, 2023

5.6 - Dr Liz O' Riordan - The Breast Surgeon who got Breast Cancer

5.6 - Dr Liz O' Riordan - The Breast Surgeon who got Breast Cancer

‘Assume I know nothing’ - we are joined today by Dr Liz O’Riordan about the impact having the very condition she was trained to treat had on her, both as a patient and a doctor. As well as her experience of cancer, Liz discusses her experiences of sexism, she tells us what actually goes on in the operating room and what really annoys her about pharmacists.

Our new website is now live -

‘Assume I know nothing’ - we are joined today by Dr Liz O’Riordan about the impact having the very condition she was trained to treat had on her, both as a patient and a doctor. Liz is a renowned author, international speaker and host of the fantastic podcast ‘Don’t Ignore the Elephant’ in which Liz talks about the stuff no one else will. As well as her experience of cancer, Liz discusses her experiences of sexism, she tells us what actually goes on in the operating room and what really annoys her about pharmacists.

Our micro-discussion continues our examination of the Sunday Times Article “The NHS is flatlining - here’s how to save it right now” by Health Editor Shaun Lintern. In it he proposes 10 ideas that he thinks might ‘save the NHS’ and so we ask our guests what they think. What will Liz’s idea be for inclusion in the ‘Aural Apothecary’s 2023 NHS Tonic?’As with all of our guests, Liz shares with us a Memory Evoking Medicine, a life anthem and book that has influenced her career. This week's choice is guaranteed not to give you a headache…

The NHS Predict online tool to see how different treatments for early invasive breast cancer might improve survival rates after surgery can be found here:

Our new website is now live www.the aural and as well as being a searchable database of all episodes, we will be uploading transcripts and extra content for your enjoyment and education. Have a look and let us know what you think! To get in touch follow us on Twitter @auralapothecary or email us at . Don’t forget to rate us and comment wherever you have got this podcast from.

You can listen to the Aural Apothecary playlist here;

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Find out more about Dr Liz O’Riordan at her website here

The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer: How to feel empowered and take control by Trisha Greenalgh and Liz O’Riordan;

Pre-order Under the Knife - The Rise and Fall of a Female Surgeon

Podcast; Don’t Ignore the Elephant