Aug. 31, 2023

Aural Apothecary 2023 #NHS75 Tonic

Aural Apothecary 2023 #NHS75 Tonic

To counter the ongoing NHS Shituation we embarked on series 5 of our podcast this year, the 75th anniversary of the NHS no less, to primarily focus on what patients think about their relationships with medicines and health.

Avid listeners will know that “It is not just thrown together…” is one of the Aural Apothecary strap lines so when Shaun Lintern wrote an editorial for the Sunday Times in January 2023 titled “The NHS is flatlining. Here’s how to save it right now” we decided to ask all our patient guests what they thought of his list (not a lot), and what they would pick for , what we have grandly called, the Aural Apothecary 2023 #NHS75 Tonic 

We are very chuffed with it, and as it came from a cross section of patients, and two eminent shared decision making / patient advocates, we think it deserves a wider audience for a richer debate, especially as in the current NHS fog it is not focussed on what health professionals want, but what patients would like!