Jan. 26, 2025

New Blockbuster: STC meets Professor Green !

New Blockbuster: STC meets Professor Green !

I know what you are thinking … Did they meet in the billiard room, was there lead piping involved, and was Miss Scarlett there too??

So, no, it was more exciting than that, it was for a BBC film about Polypharmacy and the benefits of medication review.

The BBC you say! Surely STC is on the “Persona non grata” list after the cease-and-desist letter debacle, when he got ideas above his station and tried to trademark “Desert Island Drugs” Shh….

After all day filming, we are left with a 7 min piece that finishes with the killer movie closing line, that perhaps the 3 Apothecaries could have curated, but didn’t.

“Be sure to get yourself reviewed and make sure Polypharmacy is working for YOU “

You can watch the film here https://odysee.com/MedRev:8

But here are a few insider secrets for all Aural Apothecary Aficionados

What no Dr Brad? - Lawrence (AA episode 4) , who STC has worked in tandem with for 8 years on all things medicines optimisation and polypharmacy , both locally and nationally, had his interview with Prof Green left on the cutting room floor!!  Unbelievable. https://www.theauralapothecary.com/episode-4-dr-lawrence-brad-working-with-pharmacists-multidisciplinary-education-and-the-science-of-nudge/

Patient feedback at the practice – By the end of the week, after the film went live, the GP practice had a patient asking to register with them after seeing Professor Green and Steve on BBC Morning Live…..

Partridge moment- STC is, perhaps unkindly, sometimes referred to as the “Alan Partridge of Pharmacy” and so thankfully the BBC did him a massive favour by cutting what can only be described as a “Partridge moment”. Prof Green asked Steve how difficult it was preparing to perform a medication review in a patient with multiple long-term conditions and 10+ medicines.

Steve explained the preparation he does before the review, to find out why and how all medicines were started and then checking all possible drug-drug and drug-disease interactions. He then looked hard at Prof Green and said “Well , you do need to know your onions!”

Back of the Net , STC……..