March 18, 2023
The 3 Apothecaries Live at Lisbon EAHP 23

Last year "Our man in Vienna" was part-time 4th Apothecary Jonathan Underhill BUT this year The 3 Apothecaries did a live show at the 27th European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) Congress 2023
So that’s a wrap from the 27TH EAHP Congress 2023 in the vibrant Portuguese capital Lisbon.
Big thanks to EAHP for inviting us, and especially to our two guests, Nenad and Darija , who helped us pull in a live international audience of in excess of 100 people.
Darija Kuruc Poje
EAHP Vice-President and Head of Hospital Pharmacy Koprivnica Croatia
Nenad Miljković
EAHP Director of Finance and Head of Hospital Pharmacy Services Belgrade, Serbia
Adoramos o porto
New Blockbuster: STC meets Professor Green !
I know what you are thinking … Did they meet in the billiard room, was there lead piping involved, and was Miss Scarlett there too??
So, no, it was more exciting than that, it was for a BBC film about Polypharmacy and the benefits of medicat…
Au Revoir Bordeaux EAHP 24
Once again, the Three Apothecaries provided the “champ gauche” interlude at the 28th European Association of Hospital Pharmacy (EAHP) congress, this year in beautiful Bordeaux. We hosted 2 European guests who shared their passions for th…