An authentic yet lighthearted take on the world of medicines and healthcare in the UK

Adherence Episodes

June 7, 2024

6.9 Ann-Marie Goacher. The Eyes: A Window to Our Health

Pain in the eye? It is a red-flag all healthcare professionals are trained to be aware of. But when spotted, who deals with it? We are joined by Specialist Head and Neck Pharmacist Ann Marie Goacher.

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Aug. 12, 2022

Episode 4.7 - Professor Debi Bhattacharya. System Level Change in The Danger Zone.

We chat to Professor Debi Bhattacharya - Professor of Behavioural Medicine at the University of Leicester and a primary care pharmacist. Debi led on research into a behaviour change toolkit designed to reduce opioid prescribing and is now actively involved in a programme designed to implement this at a systems level.

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June 1, 2022

4.3 – Professor Delyth James – Applying behavioural change - to yourself

In this week’s episode we are thrilled to be joined by Delyth James, Professor of Health Psychology in Pharmacy Practice at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Delyth is a pharmacist with experience of training and education and working as a renal pharmacist in hospitals across the world. Delyth’s main area of research is ‘Health Psychology and Medicines use.

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April 16, 2021

Episode 10 - Samantha Quaye, the role of pharmacy technicians and our end of series quiz

Samantha is a pharmacy technician who has worked in community and hospital pharmacy, education and regulation. We chat about Samantha’s role as an elected Governor for Guy’s and St Thomas and how feedback is vital to support staff wellbeing. Sam proves herself a superfan of the podcast in our end of series quiz.

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March 26, 2021

Episode 7 - Johnathan Laird- What is a Pharmacist and Amazon’s place in healthcare?

Jonathan is owner of, and a successful pharmacy podcaster and publisher at, Pharmacy in Practice . Jonathan has worked in community pharmacy and general practice and we “blether” about Pharmacy in Scotland, his passion for independent prescribing and the risks and benefits posed to medicines supply by the role of Amazon Pharmacy.

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March 19, 2021

Episode 6 - Prof Mark Taubert, end of life care and a letter to David Bowie

Mark is an NHS palliative care consultant and honorary professor at Cardiff University School of Medicine. He founded and has a national lead role to improve public understanding on topics relevant to care in the last years of life and at the extreme ends of medicine.

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