An authentic yet lighthearted take on the world of medicines and healthcare in the UK

Alcohol Episodes

June 8, 2023

5.8 - Paul Woodgate - The Patient Voice and the lived reality of Polypharmacy

A fantastic chat this week we talk to Paul Woodgate who as well as having Type II Diabetes and Parkinson’s disease is an advocate for patients in the design of healthcare services. We hear how this important role has evolved from being the oft ignored voice at the back of the room to being a central part of service design.

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Jan. 20, 2023

5.1 - Graham Prestwich - The Patient as a Project Manager

We’re back! This series we are focussing on the patient and their experiences of medicines and we start with a cracker! Graham brings his expertise working for the pharmaceutical industry and as a pharmacologist to helping people understand and use their medicines through the fantastic website

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