An authentic yet lighthearted take on the world of medicines and healthcare in the UK

Statins Episodes

March 8, 2024

6.4 Professor Tony Avery OBE - The Problem with Prescribing?

How do you influence the prescribing habits of an entire country? This is the task of NHS England’s National Clinical Director of Prescribing Professor Tony Avery.

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Feb. 24, 2023

Episode 5.3 - Professor Alf Collins: No decision about me, without me

The Godfather of Shared Decision Making (SDM) has spoken, so listen up! Professor Alf Collins is currently NHS England’s Clinical Director for personalised care but he was a community consultant in pain management for many years and worked with the Health Foundation helping lead applied research and implementation programmes in person centred care

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July 1, 2022

4.5 Professor Mahendra Patel OBE - Health Inequalities and the Bradford Polo Mint

This week we welcome Pharmacy's own National Treasure Professor Mahendra Patel OBE. Mahendra is a multi-award winning pharmacist and academic with professorial roles in a number of universities. He has led research into health inequalities, diabetes and COVID amongst many others.

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