June 4, 2021

Episode 2.4 - Jill Cruikshank - Advice, Referral, Treatment - The ART of Pharmacy in Scotland

Episode 2.4  - Jill Cruikshank - Advice, Referral, Treatment - The ART of Pharmacy in Scotland

Jill Cruikshank is a community pharmacist who works in Community Pharmacy Development in NHS Lothian. In addition Jill is a coach, trainer & speaker who runs her own consultancy Leading2Solutions. We talk with Jill about ‘Pharmacy First’ - the Scottish Minor Ailments Scheme, writing a book & the importance of hugs.

We chat to Jill Cruikshank - a community pharmacist in Edinburgh who works in Community Pharmacy Development in NHS Lothian. In addition Jill is a coach, trainer and speaker who runs her own consultancy Leading2Solutions. She is currently writing a book inspired by the development work she has done with early years pharmacists.

We talk with Jill about ‘Pharmacy First’ - the Scottish Minor Ailments Scheme, writing a book and of course the recent ‘Friends’ reunion and the importance of hugs. Our micro-discussion focusses on the nature, severity and causes of medication incidents from an Australian community pharmacy incident reporting system: the QUMwatch study https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bcp.14924.

As with all our guests we ask Jill to pick her ‘Desert Island Drug’, a career defining anthem and a book that has influenced her work.

You can view the Aural Apothecary Library here; https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31270100-paul-gimson?ref=nav_mybooks&shelf=the-aural-apothecary

You can listen to the Aural Apothecary playlist here; https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3OsWj4w8sxsvuwR9zMXgn5?si=tiHXrQI7QsGtSQwPyz1KBg

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