July 2, 2021

Episode 2.8 - Lelly Oboh - Wicked Problems, Mindlines and the Stripey Zebra.

Episode 2.8  - Lelly Oboh - Wicked Problems, Mindlines and the Stripey Zebra.

Lelly began her career in community pharmacy and then worked as a primary care pharmacist, becoming the first UK community based consultant pharmacist in 2007. Her current role is at Guys and St Thomas and involves optimising medicines use in frailty, multimorbidity and polypharmacy.

Lelly began her career in community pharmacy and then worked as a primary care pharmacist, becoming the first UK community based consultant pharmacist in 2007. Her current role is at Guys and St Thomas and involves optimising medicines use in frail older people and she has a keen interest in approaches that consider the complex relationship between frailty, multimorbidity and polypharmacy. As a coach practitioner, Lelly enjoys inspiring people and is part of the NHS #lookingafteryou coaching staff for BAME staff during the pandemic.

We discuss the wicked problem that is medicines optimisation and how the solution is often to ‘play what is in front of you’. We talk about Zebra’s, glucose eaters and the importance of ‘crucial conversations’. Our micro-discussion is on ‘Mindlines’ and how they influence practice. Gimmo talks about burnout and reveals he’s never been on a dating app.

GPs’ mindlines on deprescribing antihypertensives in older patients with multimorbidity: a qualitative study in English general practice; https://bjgp.org/content/71/708/e498
As with all our guests we ask Lelly to pick her ‘Desert Island Drug’, a career defining anthem and a book that has influenced her work. You will not be disappointed with the choices...

You can view the Aural Apothecary Library here; https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31270100-paul-gimson?ref=nav_mybooks&shelf=the-aural-apothecary

You can listen to the Aural Apothecary playlist here; https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3OsWj4w8sxsvuwR9zMXgn5?si=tiHXrQI7QsGtSQwPyz1KBg

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