Episode 3.7 - Lisa Green - Getting the Job Done - Mental Health, Veterinary Pharmacy and making people laugh at work

Lisa Green, a medicines safety specialist was named as one of the Pharmaceutical Journal's ‘Women to Watch’ in 2020. Aside from being Head of Pharmacy Operations for one of Europe’s largest mental health charities, Lisa is a farm and animal health consultant with a Masters Degree in Veterinary Pharmacy.
We are joined in this episode by Lisa Green. Lisa is a medicines safety specialist with a pharmacy career spanning 20 years and was named as one of the Pharmaceutical Journal's ‘Women to Watch’ in 2020. Aside from her day job as Head of Pharmacy Operations for one of Europe’s largest mental health charities, Lisa is a farm and animal health consultant with a Masters Degree in Veterinary Pharmacy.
We chat to Lisa about both of her careers and the challenges and opportunities in having a dual role. We find out about the legalities of prescribing veterinary medicines and the never ending problem of benzodiazepines. It is a surprise to us to learn that the rules of prescribing in veterinary medicine have not changed for decades.
Our micro-discussion focuses on a recent article in the Harvard Business Review - When is Humour Helpful? https://hbr.org/2021/11/when-is-humor-helpful. We discuss the role of humour in healthcare, when it is helpful and when it poses a risk. Steve and Gimmo try to tell funny stories - and both fail.
As with all our guests we ask Lisa to pick her ‘Desert Island Drug’, a career defining anthem and a book that has influenced her work. The choices do not disappoint.
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