April 9, 2021

Episode 9 - Angela Carrington - The World Health Organisation's Medicines Safety Challenge

Episode 9 - Angela Carrington - The World Health Organisation's Medicines Safety Challenge

Angela leads the Northern Ireland Medicines Safety Team supporting health and social care trusts in preventing avoidable medicines related harm. We discuss the World Health Organisations ‘Medicines Safety Challenge’ and the importance of Human Factors In Healthcare. We also get back onto the subject of drug pronunciation..

Angela leads the Northern Ireland Medicines Safety Team supporting health and social care trusts in preventing avoidable medicines related harm. We discuss the World Health Organisations ‘Medicines Safety Challenge’ and the importance of Human Factors in Healthcare. We get back onto the subject of drug pronunciations and learn something more about Steve the Chemist's early career…

As with all our guests we ask Angela to pick her ‘Desert Island Drug’, a career defining anthem and a book that has influenced her work.

Find out more about the WHO Challenge and the excellent “Transforming medication safety in Northern Ireland” publication here; https://view.pagetiger.com/Transforming-medication-safety-in-Northern-Ireland

Our micro-discussion focuses on the impact pharmacist-led feedback has on prescribing errors - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33341404/.

You can view the Aural Apothecary Library here; https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31270100-paul-gimson?ref=nav_mybooks&shelf=the-aural-apothecary

You can listen to the aural apothecary playlist here; https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3OsWj4w8sxsvuwR9zMXgn5?si=tiHXrQI7QsGtSQwPyz1KBg

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