Dec. 17, 2021

It's a Wonderful Life - The Aural Apothecary Christmas Special 2021

It's a Wonderful Life - The Aural Apothecary Christmas Special 2021

Ho Ho Ho and a Joyeux Noel to you all. Join us for our end-of-year Christmas Special in which we are joined by previous guests, friends and colleagues for a cosy (and virtual) fireside festive chat.

Ho Ho Ho and a Joyeux Noel to you all. Join us for our end-of-year Christmas Special in which we are joined by previous guests, friends and colleagues for a cosy (and virtual) fireside festive chat.

What a line-up we have for you joining the Apothecaries;

From Episode 1.2 - Claire Howard, Medicines Optimisation Pharmacist and Wiganer
From Episode 1.10 - Sam Quaye, Pharmacy Technician Extraordinaire
From Episode 1.6 - Professor Mark Taubert, Bowie fanatic and end-of-life care Dr
From Episode 2.1 - Jonathan Underhill, NICE guy
From Episode 2.5 - Professor Rachel Elliot, Academic and Health Economist
From Episode 2.8 - Lelly Oboh, Older people’s Pharmacist

Our guests offer us some reflections on the year and some hopes for 2022 as well as facing off in two teams for that lockdown favourite, and Christmas tradition - a Quiz! Who will win - The Blisters or The Shared Decision Makers?

It has been a tough year for us all. Thank you for supporting our podcast. We really appreciate your support and look forward to some more pub based CPD in 2022!

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!