Episode 7.4
Failure Demand Explainer
Jamie gives an example of "Failure Demand" , omitted in the orginal publciation but added following listnener feedback
Bonus material "Failure Demand " explainer
Episode 6.3
HIV Testing, PeP and PreP - Listen to Sally talk about the importance of HIV testing and reducing the stigma attached. Find out about HIV preventative drugs and prophylaxis
Episode 6.5
Pharmacogenomics in Children- Listen to Alison talk about her favourite subject regarding pharmacogenomics in mental health youngsters, and how it helps the shared decision making process in deciding which medicines to use
Episode 6.7
What’s in a job title ? - Listen to Esther describe how non-medical Drs can lead healthcare teams and we discuss the challenges that professional titles can present for both patients and the non-medical leaders themselves...
See this recent publication from a medical Drs point of view too. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp24X737229
This issue also links back to a previous Aural Apothecary Abstraction by STC about do we need to help people better navigate which other health professionals they could also see / talk to? https://www.theauralapothecary.com/blog/do-i-need-to-see-a-doctor-who-else-could-help-me-an-aural-abstraction-by-stc/