
A pivotal figure in the development of Evidence Based Practice and an inspiration to many, it was our real pleasure this week to chat to Professor Neal Maskrey. A retired GP and former director of the National Prescribing Centre, Neal has been a key figure in the way clinical evidence is presented and used in practice. He tells us about his new book, Rebalancing Medicine, where he shares his story and ideas for the future of medicine, including prescribing. We hear about the concept of ‘Time Needed to Treat’ alongside his role in the introduction of one of the truly game changing drugs to the UK.

“Time Needed to Treat” paper :

Professor Don Berwick’s “3 Era ‘s of Medicine” paper :

Neal adds the final ingredient to our ‘NHS Tonic’ - our guests’ cure for the NHS.. As with all of our guests, Neal shares with us a Memory Evoking Medicine, a life anthem and book that has influenced his life. Neal brings his own unique twist to our much loved feature…

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