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We are joined today by former police officer and creator of cognitive hypnotherapy Trevor Silvester. But what is Cognitive Hypnotherapy and how does it work? We discuss the role of alternative therapies such as this in holistic models of care. Trevor also takes us through his personal mind-bending journey into the world of psychedelics. This is one trip you will not want to miss.

Our micro-discussion continues our examination of the Sunday Times Article “The NHS is flatlining - here’s how to save it right now” by Health Editor Shaum Lintern. In it he proposes 10 ideas that he thinks might ‘save the NHS’ and so we ask our guests what they think.
What will Trevor’s idea be for inclusion in the ‘Aural Apothecary’s 2023 NHS Tonic?’

As with all of our guests, Trevor shares with us a Memory Evoking Medicine, a life anthem and book that has influenced his career. This week's choice will live forever…

Our new website is now live and as well as being a searchable database of all episodes, we will be uploading transcripts and extra content for your enjoyment and education. Have a look and let us know what you think!

To get in touch follow us on Twitter @auralapothecary or email us at . Don’t forget to rate us and comment wherever you have got this podcast from.

You can listen to the Aural Apothecary playlist here;

You can view the Aural ApothecaryLibrary here;

You can find out more about Trevor’s work here;

The Guardian article on psychedelics is available here;